Submit an online request for meeting records using the Chrome, Edge or Firefox web browser. For assistance, please contact Board Services at (561) 355-2951.Each month, the School Board of Palm Beach County holds public meetings to discuss educational issues and act on items requiring Board approval. Yes any member can make motions at the annual membership meeting. The agenda can be amended. A motion is a formal proposal made in a meeting. As stated above, speakers must be signed up in advance of the meeting or complete a blue card prior to the meeting being called to order. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY CASE NO.: 502016CA001706XXXXMB AH ALEX LARSON, FANE LOZMAN, Plaintiff, But there are many organizations where membership is not as simple as filling out a form and paying the dues. On Thursday, the Port of Palm Beach District Board of Commissioners held its Regular.