The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting. On average, annual meetings are given 30 days' notice before the meeting.All public sessions will begin at am unless otherwise noted. Board meetings will be recorded for purpose of completing the required minutes. The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act requires agencies to record minutes of their open meetings and to make them available to the public for inspection and copying. Every member has the right to speak at least three minutes at a meeting on any item on the agenda. The Board shall permit the use of a consent agenda within the regular public meeting agenda, with the following guidelines: 1. The notice must include the place, date, and time of the first meeting and the schedule for the remaining meetings. 2. Disclosure of confidential personal information regarding students or staff. 3. May be made available within the minutes of each meeting. Voting.