These videos will be on the PhillyCAM website and aired on the channel daily leading up to the Annual Meeting on March 16, 2024. Our bylaw requires that all board meetings be open to the public.On the day of, once you're logged in, you'll be muted with camera off. Written comments may be submitted in the following ways: 1. Completing the Board's "Contact Us" form on the Board website, including: a. This page compiles documents related to Board of Health meetings of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. Can agency members participate in a meeting via telephone or video conference? Registered speakers will be permitted to attend either in-person or remotely via the Zoom video conferencing platform. Speed camera and red light camera hearings: Join at the scheduled time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays with meeting ID: 821 0629 5023, passcode: 756613. I don't think it's illegal to record a public meeting, only private conversations.