The speaker registration line and request form will open at 4 p.m. On the Monday preceding each scheduled Board meeting.The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in an open and public meeting. These are the materials from the Administrative Board's monthly meetings. Name, Description, Released, Format. The audio is strictly for the secretary to help her draft the minutes and after the minutes are distributed to audio has to be destroyed. You must fill out the Use of Facilities Form. This can be used for Meetings, Dances, Family Nights, Fundraising,. Meeting minutes should cover such fundamentals as the date and time, whether it was a special or regular meeting, and the names of directors attending. The Board of Pensions and Retirement manages the assets of the City's pension fund, ensuring there is enough money to pay out to those who have earned benefits.