Conducting a successful annual meeting requires knowledge of the association's documents, planning, organization, preparation and execution of the plan. The annual meeting is where the board positions are filled.The board is typically required to hold a certain number of meetings per year, including the annual meeting. Notice of the annual meeting is required not more than 60 days before, but at least ten days before the meeting date. In today's class we're going to be discussing everything you need to know about how to run legal and effective board meetings and your annual meeting. Can a community wait a year to approve annual meeting minutes, that is until the next annual meeting, to avoid approving these minutes? Like it or not, virtual board and annual meetings are likely going to continue for Arizona HOAs and condos in the foreseeable future. "They need to be setting up their timeline. This is true even if they let all the grass die and fill in the pool with dirt. Where it says nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting.