Agendas are available at least 24 hours prior to each meeting. To conduct a search, click the "Meetings" link in the gray bar below this paragraph.Special Meeting: The special meeting has to be called, noticed and held within 30 days after receipt of the petition for removal; 3. Under Arizona law, A.R.S. Section 33-1804(B) and 33-1248(B) an association must conduct an annual meeting of its membership at least once a year. Review Board are final unless an appeal is filed with the Board of Supervisors within thirty (30) days of the Board's decision. Must meet onsite every 60 days. Regular Governing Board meetings are held twice each month on Tuesdays, except for November and December, which have one meeting. "Time to Respond to Notice of Deficiency" (Incomplete Notice) - 240 days. The incomplete notice is sent out during the initial 30 days of administrative review. The board will not discuss, deliberate, propose or take legal action.