Per our neighborhood association bylaws, we hold one open member meeting per year. This meeting is typically held sometime in the first quarter of the year. 5.This code outlines how to manage HOAs with specific rules on meetings, recordkeeping, and voting. This article will highlight some fundamental information about annual meetings, and offer a practical solution to how your HOA can conduct your next meeting. During this meeting, the HOA board addresses various issues, presents the annual budget, and discusses upcoming major projects. At the HOA annual meeting, the board holds elections, sets the budget, and takes association member questions about the direction of the HOA. Riverside HOA management company that is proudly serving Riverside, CA. We have more experience than any other Riverside HOA management firm. The HOA Annual Meeting is the event when the board members and homeowners of a HOA gather to discuss the most important things that concern the community. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting. HOA law is what we do.