Board of Education Annual Meeting Schedule, Board of Education Meeting Minutes, Board Policies, Board Regulation, Budget Information, RTSD Board of Education Meeting Minutes 2016- 17 Minutes, 2017-18 Minutes, 2018-19 Minutes, 2019-20 Minutes, 2020-21 Minutes, 2021-22 MinutesBoard Meeting Agendas. Public access to the in-person meeting will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Agenda and meeting information for the regular meeting of the Riverside County Board of Education. Board of Education Meeting. Board of Education MeetingClick to view Board of Education Meeting agendas and schedule. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. Following appointment, the appointee may be sworn in during a City Council, Board, or. If you need a wordforword full transcript, Riverside offers this too!