Use this form if you do not wish to speak but would like to submit comments for the Board of Supervisors meeting to be part of the record. The Board of Supervisors Information Technology staff provides professional services to run "legislative" typed board meetings, workshops and training sessions.Now you can complete your form online, print it, sign it and mail it to the Clerk of the Board. Board of Education Annual Meeting Schedule, Board of Education Meeting Minutes, Board Policies, Board Regulation, Budget Information, RTSD Board and Commission members are encouraged to attend City Council meetings. Notice: Effective January 10, 2025, both the Southwest Justice Center and Southwest Juvenile Courthouse will resume normal business operations. The governing board regular meetings will be in the R2 district board room located at 1414 S. 51st Avenue. The RCA Board of Directors meets at p.m. Please fill out the form below to make your nomination. Studio to record in high quality, edit in a flash, and go live with a bang.