ASH annual meeting registration information, including fees, key dates and deadlines, special registration instructions, and more. Abstracts and awards are a cornerstone of the AAN's Annual Meeting, the largest conference for neurologist and neuroscience professionals.The forms constitute the bulk of those necessary for the day to day keeping of the corporate formalities in a California corporation. Presenters in the invited program, including presidential sessions, AERA-wide sessions, invited lectures, and so forth, will all present in San Diego. Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA (October 24–27): All plenaries, sessions, posters, and the scientific exposition will take place in-person in San Diego. For Nonprofit Professionals. With this year's San Diego Fundraising Conference behind us, get ready and save the date for next year! Photograph of San Deigo, with the Pacific Ocean in the foreground. Advance your knowledge, take in the latest science, and network with your peers at the AAN Annual Meeting. Withdrawing your abstract indicates that you do not want to have it included in the annual meeting program.