If you want to speak at the meeting, you need to fill out a Request to Speak form. If you would like to provide oral comments BY PHONE to the Board of Supervisors during the upcoming Board meeting, please complete the form below.For example, Ethics Commission 01-01-2024. Each regular board meeting includes a period for public participation regarding educational issues and other areas within the board's jurisdiction. Persons wishing to speak at the meeting are asked to complete an attendance card and provide it to staff. After completing the form, instructions will be displayed on how to participate in the upcoming meeting. Wednesday, May 8, 2024 am San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board Board Meeting Room 2375 Northside Drive, Suite 108 San Diego, California 92108 Each speaker must fill out a written request (speaker slip) at the meeting at which the speaker wishes to speak, indicating which item they wish to speak on. The San Diego Unified School District Board of Education meets generally twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesdays. You must fill out a Request to Speak form if you want to speak at the meeting. Forms.