In the event of a vacancy, the Board shall fill the vacancy within 30 days from the date of such vacancy. The SWRCB must receive the petition within 30 days of the date of the Regional Board meeting at which the action or failure to act occurred.At least 72 hours before a regular Board of Supervisors' meeting, the Clerk of the. Gov to request approval to submit a late application within 30 days of an event. Each speaker must fill out a written request (speaker slip) at the meeting at which the speaker wishes to speak, indicating which item they wish to speak on. The disclosure period is from January 1 through June 30. Members of the public may participate in Housing Authority meetings in person or virtually using the Zoom Webinar platform. Elective officers must file a declaration to become a member with the Board no later than thirty (30) days after their hire date. Management is responsible for the accompanying financial statements of San Diego Community Power. Applications shall be due ten (10) days prior to the Governing Board meeting at which appointments will be considered.