We welcome you in person to all events and activities. Events are also streamed live online.Vedanta study groups held in the Bay area are listed in this issue of Chinmaya Tej and you may contact them if you wish to join a study group. The appeal would be put on the agenda of a board of supervisors' meeting within 45 days of the receipt of the appeal. The San Jose center organizes periodic local retreats and tours to places of spiritual significance where Swami Vivekananda had spent time in the Bay Area too. The San José Unified Board of Education traditionally meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The details provided in the "Others" Column represent sitting fees paid to the NonExecutive. I am working a good deal now upon the cosmology and eschatology of the Vedanta. The appeal would be put on the agenda of a board of supervisors' meeting within 45 days of the receipt of the appeal. Every Sunday morning at 11 AM, except during the summer and winter recesses, a lecture is held in the New Temple auditorium.