City boards and commissions were established for the purpose of advising the City Council and providing ongoing input into policies and issues. While in the Chambers, please fill out a Request to Speak Form and submit it to the Clerk.The meeting agenda is posted on our online Board document management system 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. Your application will remain on file for one year from the date of submission. During the year, your application may be considered for unanticipated vacancies. Be sure to list the agenda item number in the subject line of your email. Business Meetings are held the 1st Saturday of the Month at 10 AM. If you're looking to attend a Business Meeting hosted on Zoom please reach out the Secretary. Welcome to the San José City Council meeting! Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are scheduled at pm, typically twice a month in the Multi-Purpose Room. Lesson: How to Write Agendas and Meeting Minutes.