The San José Unified Board of Education traditionally meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. The Board of Supervisors regularly meet at am on Tuesdays.These meetings are held in person and virtually over Zoom. Meetings of the San José City Council and its committees, as well as City boards, commissions, and other governmental entities are subject to requirements. The time commitment for each board or commission varies, with some meeting on a regular schedule, while others meet on an as needed basis. The Regular Board Meeting will begin at PM in the Board Room of the Campbell Union High School District Office, 3235 Union Ave, San Jose. Video conference (Zoom) links for meetings will be provided at the top of each agenda and on the Board of Supervisors Welcome Page of the County Meeting Portal. Current agendas can be found online at BoardDocs. During the meeting via telephone: Call the phone number and meeting ID found at the top of the meeting agenda. The Board of Trustees Board meeting will begin at PM and then recess to Closed Session with the Board reconvening to Open Session at PM or thereafter.