The San José Unified Board of Education traditionally meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. City boards and commissions were established for the purpose of advising the City Council and providing ongoing input into policies and issues.The Board of Supervisors regularly meet at am on Tuesdays. These meetings are held in person and virtually over Zoom. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are scheduled July through June on the second Thursday of the month at pm in the District Board Room. Welcome to the Board of Trustees meeting. All meetings are Open to the Public with the exception of Closed Session. The Regular Board Meeting will begin at PM in the Board Room of the Campbell Union High School District Office, 3235 Union Ave, San Jose. Regular Board meetings are held in person on the first and third Wednesday of each month, at 5 pm (Doors open at pm) Meetings begin at pm and are generally on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month (unless otherwise noted).