This section answers questions as they pertain to a local school board, board meetings, and board minutes among other issues. Under Texas' OMA, charter school boards must hold meetings that are open to the public and publicly post meeting notices, agendas and meeting minutes.Find the date of the meeting you wish to attend and click on eComment to register to speak for your selected agenda item(s) or Hearing of the Community. Fill out a patron presentation card (available at the meeting site) and give it to the superintendent's secretary. Address all comments to the Board. Board meetings that were once filled with accolades to students, teachers, and parents are now filled with arguments that stir up legal hotbeds in our schools. Most states provide an outline of what written meeting minutes must contain. The public may only address agenda items scheduled for board action during public testimony. Citizens are welcome at all school board meetings, except in a few legally specified circumstances permitting closed meetings. The Board may call special meetings at any time.