Texas law requires property owners' associations to hold at least one annual meeting of their members. Individual members can participate in a meeting through stating motions, debating motions, amending motions, and voting on motions.It is my sincere hope that this handbook will make it easier for public officials and citizens to understand and comply with the Texas Open. All you need to introduce a motion is a clear and concise idea of what you want to discuss or decide upon. You could ask a particular board member to do the briefing so that you can continue the meeting. For boards and committees, unless stated in the bylaws, the quorum is a majority of the members. (c) The board can take action only if the rule is posted for action in the official notice of the meeting that is published in the Texas Register. In fact, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that a school board of trustees could not convene its meeting until a quorum was physically present in the same room.56. Meeting at the specific time set in the motion. Cancel board meeting Cancelling a School Board Meeting or rescheduling for next month in Texas.