Texas law requires property owners' associations to hold at least one annual meeting of their members. It is my sincere hope that this handbook will make it easier for public officials and citizens to understand and comply with the Texas Open.(a) A governmental body shall prepare and keep minutes or make a recording of each open meeting of the body. Should the Board meet electronically, please note that meeting minutes must be kept and be available to owners for inspection and copying. Under Chapter 209 of the Texas Property Code, residential subdivision HOAs are required to have 'open' board meetings. (2) Public appearances at board meetings. Any member of the public who wishes to address a Board or Commission regarding an item on a listed agenda must sign up to speak no later than 5 p.m. What forms or letters I need to fill out from the IRS to change out board members? LISD staff members will review all submissions and, if necessary, reach out to seek resolution or additional information prior to the meeting. It is also an opportunity for board members to provide any necessary clarifications.