A corporation shall hold a meeting of shareholders annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. Waiting a year to the next Annual meeting for the General Membership to approve the Annual Meeting minutes is, in my opinion, not a good idea.We provide an LLC annual meeting minutes template to help your business easily record the minutes of your LLC's annual meeting. A new Conference Manager Annual Meeting job is available in Reston, Virginia. Check it out on NCTM's Jobs Online. Holding annual meetings in Virginia is both a legal requirement of corporate governance and a beneficial tool to effectively manage the corporation's affairs. Every association must hold annual meetings (sometimes known as annual general meetings, or AGMs) and, when necessary, special meetings to address issues. Chapter Information. Join us for the 19th Annual ACMA Virginia Chapter Conference to be held on March 8, 2025, The Westin Richmond, VA. A. Review Bylaws to ensure you are fulfilling requirements of the annual meeting.