All Board of Education business meetings will be held in Old City Hall, 1001 E. Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219 beginning at 9 am. Every public body shall give notice of the date, time, location, and remote location, if required, of its meetings.It is up to each board to organize its agenda. To sign up in person, speakers should visit the clerk in the board room, which is located in the Government Center in Leesburg. 2024 County Board Meeting Procedures – Official Website of Arlington County Virginia Government. The School Board determines that decorum and order are necessary during School Board Meetings. The purposes for maintaining decorum and order are: If you are interested in serving on one of the appointed Boards or Commissions, please fill out and submit this Middlesex County Board Commission Application. Cards are available upon entering the meeting for individuals wishing to address the Board. Individuals who have submitted Speaker Registration Forms prior to the beginning of the meeting will be called on to speak first.