Notice of the special meeting was not given within 30 days after the date the demand was delivered to the corporation's secretary; or. b. Typically, board meetings require less notice of as little as 7 days to at most 30 days prior.Before each board meeting: about 20-30 days before the board meeting, a request for board meeting topics should be sent to all board members. Draft open board minutes within 30 days of the meeting. Failure to allow inspection can result in penalties against the association. The deadline to sign up in advance is noon on the day of the meeting. Call 703-777-0200 to sign up in advance. Testimony and consideration of regular hearing items will begin no earlier than a.m. The Henry County Electoral Board will meet in a Closed Session Thursday February 21, 2023 at 10am. The following rules of procedure shall govern the conduct of meetings and work sessions of the Board of Supervisors.