I highly recommend creating an agenda for the meeting. I think others suggested the same approach.I came here to say, since the boss is clearly a workaholic, why doesn't he just get up in the middle of the night and attend their meeting? Masterfully communicating and articulating the annual plan can get people to visualize the months, quarters, or years it'll take to accomplish them. A oneonone meeting is a dedicated space in your calendar to speak privately with your manager about your priorities, concerns, and professional development. A performance review meeting is a formal discussion between an employee and their manager to evaluate the employee's work performance over a certain period. These disclosures served as a wake-up call for the managers who had been scheduling meetings without a full awareness of the impact they were having. Hold Your Annual Board Meeting: When, Where, and What to Do Reasons to hold your meeting, what to discuss, and how to conduct the meeting. Master the art of oneonone meetings at work including questions to ask, how often to meet, current trends, and common problems. The following guide is a brief overview and user manual for first-time attendees of the Academy of Management's Annual Meeting.