All Board of Education policies are available online. Click below to access our searchable database.Regular meetings of the Board of Adjustment are held on the first and third Mondays of every month at pm in the Municipal Building. Board Meetings shall be held at least once every quarter but may be held at any time in case of urgent circumstances. MEETINGS AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: School Board Business Meetings are held monthly throughout the school year and begin at 7 p.m. School Board Business Meetings are held monthly throughout the school year and begin at 7 pm in the Radnorshire Room, Radnor Township Municipal Building. Notaries Public are "commissioned" (i.e. Special meetings of the board shall be held upon notice to the directors. (b) The by-laws may prescribe what shall constitute notice of meeting of the board. For information on exact meeting dates, call the Board Office at (734) 419-2000 or click on the meeting dates link on the right-hand menu.