To get in touch with an individual Board of Education member, please go to the Board of Education Members tab and copy the email address listed. Regular meetings of the Board of Adjustment are held on the first and third Mondays of every month at pm in the Municipal Building.Is there an opportunity for public comment at Board of Governors meetings? The Wayne County Planning Board currently meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at PM at 9 Pearl St. Second Floor Conference Room, Lyons, NY 14489. Listed below is a schedule of public meetings of the Wayne State University Board of Governors and its committees for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. Net prior to the meeting where you will find the meeting Zoom link. A rift between Wayne School Board Trustee Ryan Battershill and the majority of his fellow board members, which has been brewing for nearly two years. Interested in applying? All City of Wayne Residents are invited to apply for appointment of City of Wayne Boards and. Commissions. The Airport Authority will post a Draft Agenda for Authority Board meetings three(3) days prior to the scheduled meeting on Airport's website.