Our work in the Real Estate department involves preparing and collecting county taxes while serving the taxpayers in a professional and courteous manner. After you purchase a property, you can set up your real property taxes to be paid in escrow.In Pennsylvania, each county sets a value for every taxable property within the county, called an assessment. For questions regarding your real estate tax bill, please call 412-884-4829 or visit the tax collection website. Learn about the Pennsylvania real estate transfer tax, including rates, exemptions, and how it impacts your property transactions. Both buyers and sellers must pay their share of closing costs. Here's how they typically break down in the Keystone State. Escrow accounts are a good idea because they assure money will always be available for these payments. We are the agent for the collection of State Realty Transfer Taxes on all property sold in the county. With the help of this home sale proceeds calculator, sellers can find out their home equity and be prepared for closing.