If none of the taxes have been paid, the seller should be charged a prorated share with the amount placed in escrow. Pay property taxes on time.Property Tax Statements are mailed out in October, and are due upon receipt. After the sale is final, many homeowners use escrow accounts to manage their ongoing property taxes. We do, however, allow a deduction or credit based on local real estate taxes paid. The day escrow closes is the end of the seller's responsibility for prop taxes. A collector may enter a contract with a property owner to deposit money into an escrow account to pay property taxes. This means the seller will pay the property taxes owed before closing, and the buyer will be responsible for the property taxes due after closing. How Much Do You Pay in Property Taxes at Closing? The statement from the Tax Assessor-Collector must indicate that there are no prior taxes due and that estimated taxes for the upcoming year are held in escrow.