In a longer escrow period, the seller continues to own the property and live in it for a period of time. The average amount of time required to close a real estate purchase agreement from the time escrow is opened is about 45 days.(c) If there is a mortgagee escrow account, Seller shall assign it to. Purchaser, if it can be assigned, and in that case Purchaser shall pay the amount in the. If the escrow will not close within the extended 45 day period, then the buyer is in default. You could charge the Seller a per diem fee (i.e. A Buyer and a Seller can agree and stipulate in the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" how long the Seller may remain in the house after closing. The buyer is given a period of time, typically within 30-90 days, to obtain a mortgage loan commitment. The average time to close on a house ranges from 30 to 60 days with a mortgage. Cash purchases may be completed faster.