Navigate the New York real estate selling process with our step-by-step guide. Get expert tips and ensure a smooth transaction today!It shows the original seller and the new end buyer with the sales price your end buyer is paying. The Seller must use the aggregate accounting method for escrow account calculation. Yes, a home seller can back out of an accepted offer after their house has gone into escrow. On many occasions, the seller will negotiate the price, split closing costs or offer different allowances to the buyer, to make the sale of the home complete. The check is usually made out to the seller's attorney, who holds it for safekeeping in a separate account called an "escrow account. SELLER(s): Current physical address for all sellers, not a Post Office box, to receive documents, if necessary. In a real estate transaction, a prospective buyer will make a purchase offer and present it to the seller. Fill in the form below as accurately as possible.