If seller is planning to stay in your house after escrow closes, then a fast escrow is not really going to make your offer more competitive. The check is usually made out to the seller's attorney, who holds it for safekeeping in a separate account called an "escrow account.Buyers and sellers can back out of closing about anytime they choose. But, they do take a chance of getting sued. I have to get an assignment contract (preferably from a lawyer) and sign that with the buyer. 30 days is a very tight timeline to apply with and close with a new lender. A financing contingency might need to be met within 30 days to get final loan approval. Notice of its waiver to Seller within such 5-day period will be deemed an election to cancel. 5.5. Current and Prospective Tenancies. That said, there are measures buyers and sellers can take to speed up the closing process or at least keep it from dragging on.