TIP: Don't forget anticipated expenses like property taxes and homeowners insurance. The purpose of an escrow account is to ensure that borrowers pay their property taxes and renew their homeowner's insurance on time.You could negotiate with the seller and take a cash-back credit at closing and use the money to complete the project yourself. 3. Arrange homeowners insurance. Fidelity National Title provides professional escrow settlement services that are a convenience for the buyer and seller. It is a legal holding account that temporarily retains and distributes payments for property tax, insurance and other related expenses. Financing and escrow make it pretty simple to keep your home insurance until your house is sold, protecting you and your home until the last moment. 1. The period that you are "in escrow" is often 30 days, but may be longer or shorter. The homeowner is responsible to get insurance. The mortgage company simply pays the premium out of escrow.