Property taxes are paid every year, with the money for property taxes held in escrow so the funds are available when it's time to pay property taxes. Escrow Accounts: In some cases, property taxes may be held in escrow accounts, which can affect the seller's payment obligations.Partial, deferred and installment payments are also available. Prepaid Items: Reason: These include pre-paid interest, property taxes, and homeowners insurance that need to be set up in escrow. There's virtually no chance of having the seller cover all the closing costs without any input from the buyer. The property appraiser sends an annual Nofice of Proposed Property. Taxes in August to each property owner. The money collected from taxpayers is held in escrow to ensure there will be funds available when it is time to pay the due taxation. The real estate taxes are prorated as of the date of the closing. This is generally a matter covered in the purchase and sale agreement.