Two versions of the form are available. Once you have completed the Small Claim form, you are ready to file it with the court.See Filing Fees and Small Claims Filing and Hearing Locations. These are documents and forms relating to the areas in which they are located. Most documents and forms on this website are in Adobe Acrobat (. We published Notice of Availability in the Federal Register on June 16, 1988 (53 FR 22582), and our Record of Decision on August 18, 1988 (53 FR 31341). G. The Shell Defendants filed responsive pleadings in which each denied liability and asserted various defenses to the allegations contained in the Complaint. Each year, we invite members to submit abstracts on quality assessment and improvement initiatives in the field. Upon satisfaction of the conditions set forth in. The following agencies have agreed to remain in the program: Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.