Two versions of the form are available. Once you have completed the Small Claim form, you are ready to file it with the court.See Filing Fees and Small Claims Filing and Hearing Locations. After the judgment has been paid in full, you must fill out an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment and file it with the court clerk. The judgment creditor must complete the acknowledgement of satisfaction of judgment form SC 290 and file it with the court. Complete item 1 on page 1 and items 4 and 5 on page 2 of this form, then contact the court clerk to schedule a hearing date and location. Ernor to Fill Vacancy Serves Out Unexpired Term. When a small claims judgment has been fully paid or satisfied, you must file an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment with the small claims court. PART A - BID SUBMISSION. If the taxpayer is not satisfied with the CRA's decision, submit the service complaint to our.