Annual property tax statements are issued on a calendar year basis and are printed and mailed in September of that year. A copy of a property tax bill can be accessed, downloaded, and printed from the website of the County Treasurer of the county in which the property is located.The term escrow means a third-party holding an item and then acting on the item when certain conditions are met. ? Show me a House Sale Profit Calculator? Understand what you'll likely pay in taxes when selling a house in Arizona, including capital gains and property taxes. Sellers may need to pay their share of property taxes up until the closing date. There is a one time premium paid at the close of escrow, and the coverage extends for as long as the buyer and their heirs hold an interest in the property. After the sale is final, many homeowners use escrow accounts to manage their ongoing property taxes. Be sure to check with your real estate agent so you can find out exactly what you'll need to pay in property taxes. Your experienced escrow team can't prevent unforeseen problems from arising; however, they can help smooth out the process.