Chicago Title provides professional escrow settlement services that are a convenience for the buyer and seller because both can move forward separately. There are two types of escrow.Learn the basics of how escrow works and find out what you can do as a seller to help move the needle to closing successfully. We coordinate all aspects of your commercial closings. We have the largest and most experienced closing and escrow staff in the area. An escrow account helps ensure that expenses such as your homeowners insurance premiums and real estate taxes are paid on time. Being in escrow occurs in between the time a seller accepts an offer, and the buyer receives the keys to the newly purchased home. Both a buyer and seller will be provided a form titled "Information About Brokerage Services" (TXR 2501) which defines agency relationships. When a house is "in escrow," it means a neutral third party temporarily holds the funds and documents related to the transaction. A real estate broker represents a party (buyer or seller) in a real estate transaction or may act as an intermediary between the parties.