In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. File a motion for entry of a release and satisfaction and to vacate the judgment and send notice to the law firm.Learn more about the trial process and the rules of the court. View plea options that can be submitted for court cases. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP. Self-Help Legal Information Packets are provided for the benefit of justice courts and individuals seeking access to justice through the court system. It shows readers how to write a demand letter, file and serve papers, prepare and present a case, prepare evidence, and mediate an out-of-court settlement. The survey asks multiple choice questions about your hospital stay. Please take the time to fill out the HCAHPS survey; your feedback is valuable! Contact Opportunity Home San Antonio for information, to share feedback, report fraud, request open records, make a donation, or make media requests.