2. That Judgment Creditor has been requested to file a Satisfaction of Judgment and refused to do so or the present address of judgment creditor is unknown. Tells the court and others that a judgment has been paid in full or in part.Can be recorded with a county to release a lien against the judgment debtor's land. Once a judgment has been paid in full you MUST file a notarized Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment (Form EJ-100) with the court within 15 days. For questions on any of these forms or for assistance in completing them, call (909) 386-8256. Based on the authorities cited in the preceding paragraph, we conclude that plaintiff satisfied the claim presentation requirement. Once the form is filled out, it must be filed with the clerk of the court that issued the original money judgment. " As reflected in the Confirmation Hearing Notice, the City satisfied the requirements of Rule 2002(c) (3). Where will this person have to file a "proof of service" form?