While a typical escrow here is 30 days, we've sometimes done slightly longer escrows in order to use the buyer preferred SIP form. Buyer's loan documents generally reach escrow 3-5 days prior to close.Any delays in these documents may result in a delayed closing. The 30 days period involves quite a lot of things before the deal is closed. The 30 to 60 days period involves quite a lot of things before the deal is closed. In the purchase agreement, the buyer may have specified a 30day closing period or even a shorter closing period. Typically, escrow is 3045 days however it can be much shorter in allcash deals. In California, the usual period for an escrow to close is between 30 and 60 days. When escrow closes you will receive all your paperwork within a few days. Typically, escrow is 3045 days however it can be much shorter in allcash deals.