When you prepay, the money is held in an escrow account and applied to your property taxes before tax bills are mailed. Visit the TCAD Forms Database to locate the form you need, fill it out, and submit it to their office.Taxes must be equal and uniform. No single property or type of property should pay more than its fair share. Typically the seller would put a portion of the taxes prorated for the portion of the 2023 year that they owned the home into escrow at closing. After the sale is final, many homeowners use escrow accounts to manage their ongoing property taxes. The buyer and seller both pay property taxes, due at closing. Generally, the seller will pay a prorated amount for the time they've lived in the space. Your escrow agent will handle this in the normal course of arranging the closing of the sale. This publication explains how you treat items such as settlement and closing costs, real estate taxes, sales taxes, home mortgage interest, and repairs.