Go to a title company. We want to go through the chapter 21 and closing the transaction math worksheet make sure you're all good with those items.Ch 21 Closing the Transaction Part 1. We are selling as is, no inspection. Here we are trying to calculate one important number how much money does the buyer need to bring to the closing. Escrow can be involved in anything from a residential purchase to purchases made on multi-million dollar building projects. The check is usually made out to the seller's attorney, who holds it for safekeeping in a separate account called an "escrow account. Escrow is used in real estate transactions to protect both the buyer and the seller throughout the home buying process throughout the term of the mortgage. 26 likes, 2 comments - ignite. Realestate on August 26, 2024: "Congrats to Travis's seller on closing escrow and selling their home!