The Escrow Agreement (Form ESC) is used when money must be placed in escrow in order to proceed with settlement. 1. Attached hereto is a proposal from., a registered, licensed plumber ("Plumber") to complete the necessary work to repair the defects. Learn more about loan programs from PHFA for home improvements and repairs. Contact us with any questions. After six months, if no repairs are made, the PLI will allow the tenant to withdraw the "escrow account" money for their own use. 7375) or fill out this form14 online. 2. Borrower shall complete the Repair Work, free of all liens, on or before the. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease. You can either call a bank as advised, or, call the Allegheny County Arbitration Division and ask how you can pay escrow rent to the court.