(b) On the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Escrow Agent shall deposit the Proceeds and any interest earned thereon in the Escrow Account. The contract frequently requires that the buyer's down payment be paid to the seller's lawyer, in escrow, or to a real estate broker, pending the title closing.Escrow Agent shall deliver the Escrow to Seller or Purchaser, as the case may be as follows: i. To Seller, upon completion of the closing under the Contract. All legal forms are in word format, unless otherwise indicated. When you are finished, you can print your completed form. The completed typewritten form must be filled out correctly prior to emailing your request. Incorrectly filled forms will be rejected. This escrow agreement template can be used to identify an escrow agent and establish an escrow agreement between a buyer and seller. To fill out this Escrow Agreement form, ensure you have all necessary information about the property transaction.