Chicago Title provides professional escrow settlement services that are a convenience for the buyer and seller because both can move forward separately. (ATG) offers a full range of escrow services, such as title indemnities and deed and money closings."Qualified Escrow Fund" means an escrow arrangement with a federally or state chartered financial institution having no affiliation with any tobacco Product. This article delves into the significance of notarization in the context of escrow agreements, exploring the benefits and mechanisms that make it a potent tool. The principal of the escrow account shall be invested, with the earnings plus any such addition to earnings as the Provider may contribute. A document escrow agreement is a contract between two or more parties where an escrow agent agrees to hold a document until a contractual obligation is filled. Dated: File Number: SELLER(S):. BUYER(S):. An escrow holdback becomes the easy solution for completing the transaction, while pushing an issue like possession or repairs to a later date. The Escrower must complete the Work on or before ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the closing on the. Property. Whether you are the buyer or the seller, protect your interests in a residental real estate transaction with an escrow account.