This Agreement supplements the Loan Guarantee Agreement, SBA Form 750, and, if applicable, SBA Form 750B (for shortterm loans), between Lender and SBA. Lender must report periodically on the status of all SBA-guaranteed loans in its portfolio, in accordance with Loan Program Requirements.Lender's failure to. Lenders must use this form to participate in the SBA Community Advantage loan program. About this document and download. This Agreement supplements the Loan Guarantee Agreement, SBA Form 750, and, if applicable, SBA Form 750B (for short-term loans), between Lender and SBA. Contingent Approval. Seven years ago, we came into office determined to transform city government and uplift New Yorkers from every corner of this city. Out refinance loan is a type of home equity loan. Contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard.