All borrowers, regardless of loan size, can use SBA's direct forgiveness portal. Applying for forgiveness using the portal can take as little as 15 minutes.Create an account in the MySBA Loan Portal (lending.sba. Gov) to monitor your loan status or to make payments. The covid-19 eidl program is not forgivable but PPP loan may still be forgivable if you within the 5-year term. Borrowers who need assistance with forgiveness can contact SBA at our dedicated forgiveness call center: 8775522692. Borrowers have up to 5years from the origination of the loan to request forgiveness. The Notice instructs PPP lenders on how to facilitate the repeal of the reduction from forgiveness. Answer: (See Form 3508EZ instructions, page 1). 1) Self-employed individual, independent contractor, or sole proprietor who had no employees.