Use the fields to narrow your search and select the "Search for documents" button to see your results. This Agreement supplements the Loan Guarantee Agreement, SBA Form 750, and, if applicable, SBA Form 750B (for shortterm loans), between Lender and SBA.Existing borrowers can create an account in the MySBA Loan Portal (lending.sba. Our office provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. Gov(opens in a new window). It is a supplemental investment program designed to assist small business growth and job creation. Project funding consists of an SBA-backed loan. The firm must be located in Cuyahoga County (mailbox facilities or other similar arrangements do not constitute a physical presence). Summary: Lenders must use this form to participate in the SBA Community Advantage loan program. Information notice; 5000-1315.