When borrowing money from or loaning money to family and friends, make sure that your loan agreement addresses all the basic terms. Clients interested in lending money to financially assist a family member should consider making an intrafamily loan.Here, we outline basic information. It should specify a repayment term and payment schedule, an interest rate, and other contingencies, such as how late payments or a default will be handled. When applying for an SBA 7(a) loan, you must complete SBA Form 1919. You can use a legally binding and easy to fill out Loan Agreement, or a Promissory Note, to capture the details of your loan. A lender may use the Transfer of Participation Agreement when submitting its assignment request to the SBA for approval. This FindLaw article gives small business owners tips to asking friends and family for business loans. Unlike a bank loan, acquiring private money does not require filling out paperwork or waiting for the loan to go through. The Personal Financial Statement is the only component that all borrowers must complete.