Lenders use this template to issue an SBA Express or Export Express Loan Authorization for SBA to guarantee. About this document and download.Borrower's consent to verify information and thirdparty authorization for disaster loan servicing action request packages. If a loan due date is a non-processing day for us then the payment will be made on the first processing day after the scheduled due date. "Assignment and Lost Instrument Mfidavit" shall mean an Assigmnent and Lost. Instrument Affidavit in the form ofExhibit D to this Agreement. The below forms are for Franklin Templeton funds. Do NOT use these forms for Western Asset Money funds. General. In this guide, we will discuss pros, cons, who qualifies must complete SBA Form 1919, and how to complete SBA Form 1919. 1) in the case of paperless loans, to deliver the Participant Loan Authorization Agreement to Participants upon enrollment;.