Fulton Bank is a participant in the SBA's Preferred Lending Program and is equipped to help small businesses obtain financing for a variety of expenses. Lenders use this template to issue an SBA Express or Export Express Loan Authorization for SBA to guarantee.About this document and download. Borrower's consent to verify information and thirdparty authorization for disaster loan servicing action request packages. The governmentattic. Org web site ("the site") is a First Amendment free speech web site and is noncommercial and free to the public. The Borrower may submit and the SBA may, in its sole discretion, accept documents after 2 months of the date of this Loan Authorization and Agreement. What is an SBA loan? The SBA is not a bank; it does not issue loans directly, and you don't fill out an application at the SBA office. SBA can provide loans to help cover the costs and expenses that your business would have been able to handle if the disaster did not happen.